
Strong winds, large waves expected in Coast and Eastern regions

Strong winds, large waves expected in Coast and Eastern regions
  • PublishedJuly 15, 2020

Very strong winds and large waves will be experienced in the Coast and Eastern regions from July 16thto 19th, 2020. The Kenya Meteorological Department has warned.

⚠️ Strong winds and large waves Alert

Strong southerly winds of more than 30 knots (15.4 meters per second) are expected over the coast and eastern sector of Kenya on Thursday 16th July, 2020. pic.twitter.com/m6nsYOuRzD

— Kenya Met Department (@MeteoKenya) July 15, 2020

On July 16th, the winds in both regions will be 15.4 meters per second (30 knots). The wind speed will increase at 3 am on July 17th to 20.6 M/S (40 knots). Then the strong winds will reduce to 30 knots on July 18th.

“Strong winds may blow off roofs, uproot trees and cause structural damages,” reads the Kenya Meteorological Department notice.

The wave height on the Kenyan Coast will be more than 3 meters on July 17th. But it will reduce to 2.5 meters on July 19th.

“Very high waves may lower visibility, cause capsizing of boats and threaten the safety of those engaging in water sports and recreational activities,” the meteorological department has cautioned.

Counties that are likely to be affected include Marsabit, Turkana, Samburu, Mandera, Wajir, Isiolo and Garissa. Other counties that will be affected are Kitui, Makueni, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Lamu, Kilifi, Mombas and Kwale.

Residents have been advised to be on high alert and continue listening to local media updates.

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