The moon and your sexuality

The Sync…
The old Sanskrit literature describes two types of erogenous zones: the permanent and the temporary erogenous zones. The former, such as genitalia, is commonly known to most of us since they remain excitable any time of the day. On the other hand, temporary erogenous zones are shifty. Their excitability shifts with the changing phases of the moon.
The effect of the lunar cycle on erogenous zones varies in both men and women ranging between the scalp and the foot. For women, from the first day of the cycle, it starts with the scalp being the most excitable. The zones descend daily towards the feet and so does the cycle, from day one to 30.
For men, however, it is the opposite. The zones shift upwards (from the toes to the scalp) with the days of the cycle ascending (from day one to 30). The arts then repeat themselves from the fifteenth day of the cycle. Each of these 15 zones will be excitable on two days of the lunar cycle in both men and women as explained below.
The scalp is full of nerve endings and that is why with a single touch, it can send tingles down your spine. Try running your fingers slightly over the scalp, concentrating on the areas behind the ears and slightly above the neck. Pulling the hair slightly also works magic. For women, the scalp is most excitable on the first and thirtieth days of the month while for men, it is most excitable on the fifteenth and sixteenth day of the month.
Your mouth is not the only part of your face that is full of erotic potential. Gentle kisses on your partner’s forehead can activate deep feelings of being cared for. For women, it is excitable on the second and twenty-ninth day while for men it is excitable on the fourteenth and seventeenth day of the cycle.
Many people get aroused when their eyelids or eyebrows are slightly touched by their partners. You can excite your partner by pressing their eyes smoothly while kissing them. Take things a notch higher by alternating between soft and sensual kisses and deep, passionate ones.
When you come up for air, do not hold everything to a stand-by. Keep the rhythm going by slowly tracing your partner’s lips with your thumb, while locking eyes with them and then get back to it whenever you are ready. This zone is most excitable on the third and twenty-eighth day for women and nineteenth and twelfth for men.
While kissing your man on the cheek does not sound like the best kissing hack, it can work magic. Try turning your face to the side for your partner during kissing and by allowing your partner to kiss your cheek, you give them a friendly and intimate go ahead. The cheeks are most excitable on the fourth and twenty-seventh day for women and for men, on the twelfth and nineteenth day of the lunar cycle.
If you are a neck person, you definitely know it. The nape of your neck is super sensitive such that a slight touch is all that is needed to drive you wild. It is said that of all the erogenous zones, the neck is most under-utilised, yet it is a super sexy spot. Whether you rage from gentle caresses to rough bites, the secret remains: the slower the better. Try wrapping your hands around your partner, while gently scrapping the back of their necks with your nails slowly, then do the same to the front side. These hacks tend to be more effective to the neck on the fifth and twenty-sixth day for women while for men it is on the eleventh and twentieth day of the cycle.
As odd as it sounds, if you get past the sweat and hair, your armpit can be a surprisingly erogenous zone. Your armpits are so sensitive as what makes them so ticklish is the same thing that makes it such a great turn on spot. Gently brush your nails on your partner’s underarms, going up and down slowly then shift to a brisk and circular motion. This zone is most excitable on the sixth and the twenty-fifth day for women while for men, it is on the tenth and twenty-first day of the moon
We all typically have sensitive nipples. When well played with, they can set off fireworks throughout your body. With enough stimulation, you can reach the big O without penetrative sex. Thank the many nerves in your nipples for they are responsible for making your nipples sensitive to touch. Men too have sensitive nipples. To explore this zone to the maximum, allow one hand to fondle with the breast and nipple while the other wanders to other zones.
The breast is most excitable on the seventh and twenty-fourth day of the month for women and ninth and twenty-second for men.
Once your partner has worked their way down your torso, do not let the breasts take all the attention. The chest has another erogenous zone to offer. For women, their chest is a turn on spot, especially the area between their breasts. You can play around with this spot the same way you do with the areas below the belt. Gently caressing and teasing would work for the men while for the women, using a bit of your tongue or a gentle suck would do the trick.
The chest is most excitable on the eighth and twenty-third day for both men and women. It is the only organ that is excitable to both men and women on the same day of the lunar cycle.
The area between your navel and pelvis is a lesser-known erogenous zone. Apart from it being very stimulating, it is important to also know that one can access the G-spot via its opposite side, which can be accessed through the navel. A gentle slap on the navel of your partner can stimulate them, causing blood to flow to other erotic zones. Since the navel is closely located to the pubic region, the thought of going further down can be so exciting to your partner. The navel is most excitable on the ninth and twenty-second day for women while for men, it is on the seventh and twenty-fourth day of the cycle.
Pubic region (pubic mound)
When things are heating up, there are a couple of places you want your partner to get to so bad. The pubic mound is an electrifying erogenous zone when properly stimulated. This is due to the fact that it is connected to your genitalia hence has a lot of nerve endings. By slowly and gently caressing this part, your partner will be good to go. This region is most excitable on the tenth and twenty-first day for women while for men, it is on the sixth and twenty-fifth day of the cycle.
The point behind the knee is very erogenous for both men and women. It is another nerve-rich area that is often ignored. It is effective because not everyone gets to touch it. Touching it is very intimate as it gets you closer to the main attraction. This part is highly excitable on the thirteenth and eighteenth day for women and fifth and twenty-sixth day for men.
The outside and inside of your ankle are very nerve rich making the ankle a great turn-on spot. The ankle answers to most crucial erogenous zones such as the vagina and penis for women and men respectively. This part is most excitable on the thirteenth and eighteenth day for women and fourth and twenty-seventh day for men.
Although this has ranked lowest in turning on zones study, some people definitely enjoy and get turned on when their feet are touched lightly. It is most excitable on the thirteenth and eighteenth day for women and third and twenty-eighth day of the cycle for men.
The toe contains pressure points responsible for triggering arousal and is also nerve rich. Due to people being ticklish, you will have to focus on slow, steady strokes over light and quick motions, or simply pressing your toes with your partner’s. The toe is most excitable on the fifteenth and sixteenth day of the month for women and first and thirtieth day of the cycle for men.
This article was first published in the April 2020 issue of Parents Magazine