
The Pursuit of Zen

  • PublishedMarch 30, 2012

This is the story of a tragically ambitious young lady on a mission. With her face painted all pretty and her carefully selected outfit looking all-cute, she tied up her sturdy walking boots and embarked on her pursuit.

This ambitious young lady was on a steadfast mission to find ‘Zen’. The notion of Zen had long eluded her and she was now determined to understand, conquer and acquire this mysterious thing. Motivated by the ethereal sense of calm and peace that exudes from the people who speak of experiencing Zen, the young lady was certain that it must and will be hers, whatever this Zen thing turned out to be.

And so, on this beautiful spring day, she stepped out of her apartment and set forth to achieve her conquest. The sun was shinning, the birds were chirping and all the folks passing her by were smiling. How could she not be successful in finding Zen today?

Walking through the neighborhood park her eyes scanned the surroundings for any hints of Zen. The children playing football were obviously too ignorant and chaotic to be Zen-like. The joggers way too aggressive, and the couples too young and self-absorbed.

So where could this Zen be hiding? In the trees? Perhaps around the corner, a little further down the trail?

While mapping out all the options, she could pursue, her eyes fell upon a pretty woman, spread across a mat on the plush grass, balancing on her arms with her legs stretched out in an outlandishly limber fashion. Despite this perplexing posture the pretty woman’s face exuded calm and focus, as if she was living and breathing in her own peaceful world where limbs have no joints and muscles are impossibly strong.

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