
Things To Consider When Planning Your Maternity Shoot

  • PublishedMay 24, 2019

A maternity shoot is a beautiful way of capturing your pregnancy journey. Pregnancy is an almost spiritual experience, you are the pathway through which a new life is coming to the world. If that is not spiritual, we don’t know what is. This forms part of the reasons most mothers miss their baby bumps when their little ones finally make a safe passage into the world. That is why,  you need a maternity shoot, or what most refer to as a baby bump shoot. However, you just don’t waltz into a studio any time you feel like and demand a shoot. This is an important event, but if that is not enough, there are logistics that have to be taken into account.

Schedule properly

Schedule your shoot roughly around 30 weeks. At this time your belly will be beautifully round. Anything after 35 weeks might be too uncomfortable for you and you might have a rough time moving around in the set. Discomfort makes for not-so-perfect pictures.

Plan your outfits in good time

Arrange for your outfits early. Tailors can be extremely unreliable, they might end up delivering your outfit when your baby is two months old. Be sure to use a reliable tailor and while at it, ensure the fitting will take into account the fact that your belly will have grown by then.


A good photo shoot is not a cheap affair. Make sure you settle for a  good photographer whose prices are manageable. Do not give in to cheap deals and end up with distasteful photos. Cheap, at the end of the day, can be super expensive.  Find out if the price is inclusive of make-up and body art if you want them. Otherwise you will have to pay the make-up artist separately.

Also read: How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy


The shoot location is important in determining many things, including the cost. Studio shoots are usually the cheapest. Outdoor shoots are more costly given the equipment have to be carried around. A maternity shoot in your own house will be costlier because the photographer and the crew will have to set up a  pseudo-studio in your house.

Make use of referrals

Ask people whose photo shoots you admired all the details of the photo shoots – the efficiency of the photographer, the temperament, the overall costs and what-nots. These are things you usually can not determine from the photographers’ attractive social media bio. Stalk them on social media and see if you love their work too before you make the call.


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