
Tips to ensuring the safety of your child

  • PublishedJuly 18, 2018

A child is the most vulnerable potential victim of violence. This is due to the numerous reports about the dangers to which a child is exposed to daily.

In the coastal region a child sex syndicate is thriving in villas. There is growing homosexual prostitution industry in Malindi. This industry targets young boys for their innocence. Unsuspecting parents and children are introduced to these predators as philanthropists.

Therefore, parents are now required to be more vigilante with their kids more than ever.

Here are some of the things you can do or teach your kids to ensure their safety.


Teach your child about the good and the bad touch as soon as they can understand. Tell them that they own there body and that no one should touch them without their permission. Equally, ask them to alert people around if someone does. They should trust only their parents and guardians.


This is safety rule number one. Ensure your child knows their name, parents name and the address or area location of where they live. Help the child memorise your phone number or write it down. This is in case they wander off and get lost.


Since children spend most of their time in school, always ask them how their day was. This was if anything concerns you from the answers, you can bring it up with the teachers. This is vital in this era where children are abused at school.

Pay attention

Understand your child’s moods and behaviour for this is vital in knowing when he isn’t okay. If he isn’t talking as usual, he is withdrawn and not sleeping well. Then something may be wrong with you child.


With the rise of cyberbullying, it is essential to know what your child is doing online. However, don’t infringe too much on their privacy. You can do this easily by limiting their internet time.

Your child should never eat anything given to them by a stranger for this is how a kid can be lured into unsafe areas. Furthermore, they should never go anywhere with a stranger.

If you live in an unsafe neighbourhood, it is important to get your child a whistle or pepper spray. Teach them how to use it. Additionally, teach them to observe their surroundings so that they can leave if need be.

It is important to ensure your child’s safety as this will keep you at peace as you go on with your daily activities.

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