Tips to help your child transition to secondary school
Following the announcement of the school selection results by Education CS George Magoha, form one students will be joining their new schools soon. The transition from primary to secondary schools is accompanied by anxiety that starts with the pressure to pass the national exam KCPE, followed by the placements, then the actual reporting of students to their respective schools.
When the calling letter finally comes, students have to deal with the fear of the unknown and the anxiety of being thrust into a new environment. As a parent you can make the transition easy for your child through the following tips;
The quicker you accept the selection the faster you can begin arrangements for the big move. Just because you failed to get your child into the school of their dream does not mark the end of the world. In fact, it holds the potential of the the unknown which can be utilized for the child’s mastery of letting go of the impossible.
Photo by Rhii Photography / Unsplash
Read and understand the school requirements
The invitation letter in most cases has been treated like a TV manual which many don’t read through. Reading your child’s invitation letter is important because you get to understand what they need to report to their new school. It also guides your child on what they ought to do in preparedness.
Walk the journey with your child
This includes breaking down the information to bite size potions. For instance, during your preparation, make a to do list for them. The list will contain activities that they can implement so they feel included in the preparation process. This also gives them a sense of responsibility ahead of the admission to boarding school especially.
On the reporting date, request for a tour of the school on behalf of your child who at that point may not be courageous enough to ask. Some schools skip this stage with the misconception that the student will do the exploring on their own. Don’t join the school in this assumption, otherwise your child may never make the most of the school if their first day is surrounded by ignorance
Go through the menstrual hygiene basics one more time
Change can be destabilizing for most. In some cases girls may find themselves unable to comfortably transition into their new lives especially when on their periods. It is common with girls to find comfort at home during this time. However as a parent you have to reassure your daughter that it is normal for them to feel uncomfortable and also help them navigate this feeling of anxiety.
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For instance make them locate the cloakroom on arrival at their new residency. Inspect the facility for all the requirements for instance the sanitary disposal bin, a tap of water. Go a step further to demonstrate how these items are used and make sure to remind them not to flash a tampon or sanitary pad down a flash toilet. It will only embarrass them when the item either refuses to flash or clogs the toilet leading water to overflow out of the toilet.
Most importantly pack more than enough menstrual hygiene products. Menstrual cycles tend to change due to one reason or the other and your child should always be prepared.
Help them make a friend
Although it will seem humiliating at that point, do it anyway, your child will thank you for it. Start a conversation with the parent/guardian near you, ask them about the whereabouts of their child and proceed to introduce him or her to your son or daughter. They will need this is friendship while navigating the newness of their circumstances.
Photo by Heather Suggitt / Unsplash
Pump up your child
Remind them of their strengths, values and the need to be respectful to everyone. This will allow your child to utilize the already acquired strengths to build up on more. It would be pleasing to know your child is excelling at their new school not just with A but with their general outlook on life.
Featured Image: Kenya Leo Digital News