Training for Nakuru schools amid spike in COVID-19 cases

A recent spike in the number of infections in Nakuru in the past three weeks, with more than 1,684 confirmed cases and 40 deaths, has prompted health officials to launch sensitization programmes targeting teachers, non-teaching staff and students throughout the county. The initiative will be conducted in every school in Nakuru county, including institutions of higher learning.
The initiative was launched last week, at Nakuru East Primary School by health officials in collaboration with representatives from the Ministry of Education. The school head teacher, Peter Munyao, said they had set up all necessary measures as per the ministry directives.
He said water points have also been placed in strategic locations for hand-washing. In addition to that, all pupils and teachers have their temperatures checked before being cleared to go to their respective classrooms.
Peter Kiarie, a class four pupil at Nakuru East Primary School, while speaking to The Standard, said that he is doubtful that the school environment is safe due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I am at times hesitant to play while in school because I fear my friends might infect me with the virus.”
He said that he is always keen about wearing a mask, and that he always has his body temperature checked while at school.
“Teachers have been reassuring us that we are safe in school. They encourage us to wash our hands with soap and water, and I am hoping we shall get back to normal.”
Doris Moraa, a standard four pupil at the school, told The Standard that she is careful after being trained on the importance of observing the set public health measures.
“We have been trained to wash our hands often, wear face masks and sanitize. I trust I will be safe if I observe all these.”
Munyao added that he was glad that after the training, pupils understood what they were expected to do to avoid contracting the virus.
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Social distancing, however, remains a serious challenge as learners at times get together in groups, especially during breaks and play times. Teachers have to constantly monitor the learners and ensure that COVID-19 regulations are adhered to.
According to the Ministry of Health documentation, Nakuru is among the top five counties currently recording a surge in cases of infection.