
Uhuru Kenyatta’s Niece, Nana Gecaga’s fight with alcohol addiction

Uhuru Kenyatta’s Niece, Nana Gecaga’s fight with alcohol addiction
  • PublishedAugust 20, 2020

Life had not been easy for President Uhuru’s niece, Nana Gecaga. On an interview with MC Jessy, Nana Gecega came out to speak about how alcohol nearly took her  life at a tender age of 21. She narrated how she crashed  cars during that stints and she was lucky to be walking with no major damage.

Alcohol had been a hiding place for Uhuru’s niece to hide her biggest problems. It made her forget so many things. Before she could realize how much damage it costed her, Nana was already an addiction.

‘’At 21 Years, I checked into a rehab for alcohol addiction, I used to drink  to mask other things  I was going through at that time. I started drinking to forget and feel numb before long i got hooked’’ She narrates. Everyone was loosing hope in her recovery. She further gave details of how alcoholism was selfish. Luckily, she came out of it after given last chance by her brothers.

Though it wasn’t easy for her, this brought hope to many girls who wasted their lives on alcohol.

Source: The standard

To help people who are in the same predicament that she was once in, Nana is soon going to start a foundation or an empowerment centre where she will empower young women in the society. She hopes she will open up one of the best rehabilitation centre in Kenya that would help everyone, not only women.

She hasn’t come out about the exact time that she is going to start the foundation but in one year time she is hoping to start it. Nana Gecaga is currently the CEO of KICC.

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