Uhuru rolls out new rules to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19

President Uhuru Kenyatta has on Friday, March 26, 2021, rolled out a new set of rules to help curb the spread of the virus in the country. This comes at a time when there is a rise in number of people testing positive for COVID-19. Here are the highlights of the president’s speech:
1.Cessation of Movement in to and out of Nairobi, Kajiado, Machakos, Kiambu and Nakuru effective from midnight.
2. All gathering suspended in Nairobi, Kajiado, Machakos Kiambu and Nakuru.
3. All cabinet meetings suspended.
4. Parliament seatings and county assembly seatings suspended until further notice. Speakers to effect decisions.
5. International travel into and out of Kenya to continue.
6. All persons coming into the country must have negative COVID-19 certificate acquired not less than 92 hours.
7. Curfew revised from 8pm to 4am in the 5 counties and from 10 Pm to 4am in the rest of the country.
8. Ministry of Interior and Health to reissue all curfew passes. All issued passes are revoked.
9. All places of worship in the five counties suspended until further notice. For other 42 counties, prayers to go on with 1/3rd Rule.
10. Immediate suspension of all physical learning in all institutions other than for candidates sitting for exams and medical training institutions.
11. All sporting activities suspended including members clubs activities suspended.
12. For social gatherings, operations of bars suspended in the five counties. Sale of alcohol in the five counties also prohibited. All restaurants in five counties to provide take-away services only. Restaurants to operate in other 42 counties.
13. PSV to enforce 60% carrying capacity.
14. All employees of private and public sector to allow employees to work from home except for critical services.
15. Judiciary to restrict movement.
16. Hospital visitors to be reduced to two persons per patient.
17. Gatherings to have no more than 15 persons.
18. Burials to be conducted within 72 hours of death and attendees to be limited to 50 persons in total.
19. Weddings to be limited to 30 persons in total.
20. Political gatherings remain suspended until further notice.
21. Those above 58 years of age to be given priority in vaccination.
The president further concluded his speech by pleading with Kenyans to believe that the virus is real and with us and it is killing people we know and love. It’s the responsibility of each one of us to take care of themselves and those dear to us.