
Underprivileged girl walks to her dream school for admission

  • PublishedJanuary 12, 2018

Grace Akinyi Owino arrived at Butere Girls thirsty and exhausted.

Grace a former student at Nasiri Primary School had set out on a journey from Nasiri Village from where she walked five kilometers to Nambale town in Busia County. From there she would take a matatu to Ekero about 30 kilometers away on to Sabatia trading centre where she would walk for another 3kilometers to the school.

According to the Standard, Grace started her Journey at around 5 am on Tuesday her mother Susan Atieno could not accompany her as she was too feeble to make the journey.The mother openly states that she had only 10shillings when her daughter disclosed her decision to walk to Butere Girls.

After her long trek to the school she saw a huge maroon and white gate written ‘Butere  Girls High’  at this point Grace’s  feet were swollen and her lips had cracks a sign of dehydration.

Grace was only armed with her admission letter when she went to see the principal, she states that she is the only hope at her home and in her village. The principal of Butere Girls Jeniffer Omondi admitted Akinyi without paying the required fees in hope that a good samaritan will come to her aid.

Her father died when she was only six months old and her four sisters dropped out of school when life became unbearable, Grace says that she would not like to take the direction her sisters and many of her friends have taken.

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