
Walking with a family member dealing with drug addiction

Walking with a family member dealing with drug addiction
  • PublishedJuly 9, 2021

If you have seen the movie ‘Four Good Days’ starring Mila Kunis, then you understand the challenges faced by victims of drug and substance abuse and their families. This condition is accompanied with a myriad of losses, strained relationships, deteriorating health among other dire effects.

Drug and substance abuse victims require all the help and support of family for recovery.

Therefore, it is important to understand the best ways to support a family member who is struggling with substance use and abuse. The support ought to pillar their recovery instead of exacerbating the abuse. These are the best ways to help:

Emotional sobriety: Signs of unhealed relationship trauma
Trauma might stem from mistreatment by an abusive partner, unhealthy dynamics, or even confusion resulting from being strung along by someone who was emotionally unavailable.


Sometimes victims of substance abuse grapple with keeping a job. However, having a job provides the stability and a sense of responsibility that such victims require. Family members should be on the forefront in ensuring the victim keeps the job long enough for sustenance.


Photo by Jackie Parker / Unsplash

One effect of drugs and substance abuse is strained relationships which leave the victim with feelings of anxiety and confusion. These are most likely to cause depression leading to increased abuse. Be patient with the victim and maintain calm even during drug and substance related outbursts. Keeping close contact with victims restores their hope.

Sponsor therapy

Drug and substance users may not get better by themselves and require therapy. Unfortunately, one of the outcomes of drug and substance abuse leads to financial constraints. As a result, they may not be able to afford therapy. It is important to make calculative moves when it comes to supporting them through recovery.  As a family, the best you can do is support your loved one financially, and emotionally through the process.

Provide alternative recreational activities

Photo by Mesh / Unsplash

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. There is a lot of truth in this statement. Especially if it explains why an ideal person is likely to engage in destructive behaviour like drugs and substance abuse. Therefore, as a family, you could make a point of providing the victim with relevant recreational activities to distract him/her from the damaging cycle. For instance, playing board games is fun and stimulates environments needed for deep connections thus promoting strong family relationships. Which is exactly what a struggling person needs!

Provide a loving and supportive environment

Drug and substance abuse is sometimes triggered by toxic home environments. This is a probable set off for despair. However, with genuine love and encouragement from family members, it could swap despair with a longing for a better future among the victims thus accelerating recovery

Establish boundaries

Boundaries should protect both the victim and the source of support. It checks the mentality of dependency and manipulation. It is also a good way of letting the victim know that you have needs of your own too that will not be halted regardless of the circumstances.

In conclusion, they say throwing away family is not an option. That makes necessary the support rendered towards the recovery of a family member struggling with drug and substance abuse.

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