
What not to do when planning a bridal shower

  • PublishedSeptember 16, 2019

Are you planning a bridal shower for one of your friends or relatives? To ensure that the day goes smoothly, here are a few things to avoid when planning a bridal shower.

Do not do everything on your own

The whole bridal shower might be your idea, but do not try to do everything on your own. Not only will you find this overwhelming, but you will lock other willing people out of the fun of planning and executing the shower. Try to delegate duties to everyone who is willing to come aboard.

Do not be too extravagant

Bridal showers do not have to be super expensive to make an impact. Do not get into debt planning one.

Fail to seek the bride-to-be’s input

It is her day, so she deserves a say on how things will be, unless, of course, it is a surprise. Do not assume that you know all her preferences and biases. Seek her input on the most important parts of the day – her preferences, theme, size of the shower. However, do not burden her with the details of the shower down to the nitty-gritty.

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Confer with the bride on who you are inviting to the shower. There is no point of inviting people who are not coming to the wedding. Do not also invite people who will make the bride feel uncomfortable. Also take care not to leave people who are important to the bride out

Pick a date late

Try as much as possible to pick a date early and send invites to those you wish to attend the shower in good time. This will give everyone enough time to plan and be available for the shower, and even pick a good gift for the bride. Last minute bridal showers leave a lot to be desired, you do not want that.

Starve everyone

Do not starve the attendees. While you are not obligated to provide full meals, at least make bites available for the guests.

ALSO READ: 8 things brides often forget on the wedding day 

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