
Woold you consider using a lambskin condom?

  • PublishedMay 13, 2019

From studded, to flavoured, to edible, to glow in the dark and coloured, condoms come in a wide variety and we are truly spoilt for choice to meet our kinky needs. But with all these varieties, they are available in two categories based on the material, that is latex or lambskin. Yes, you read that right… lambskin. You are probably thinking there is no way you are putting on anything that is made from lamb skin or any part of a sheep in your junk. Well relax, we got you covered.

Below is a brief break down of all you need to know about lambskin condoms.

What is a lambskin condom?

Lambskin condoms are also often referred to as “natural skin condoms” but the correct name is natural membrane condom. These types of condoms are made from lamb cecum – which is a pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines.

Source: Swagggirlicious Media

Great alternative for those with latex allergy


Since they are made from natural material, they are probably the best alternative to those who have an allergy to latex. Bye bye latex itch and burning sensation!

Feel the magic

If you are going for a more “natural” feeling and increased sensitivity then these condoms are your best bet. They also transmit heat more than latex condoms due to their porous nature.

Lubricate lubricate lubricate

Lambskin condoms can be used with all types of lubricants, including oil-based ones, which is not possible with latex condoms.

Environment friendly

You may not be thinking about the environment when you are getting down and dirty but it wouldn’t hurt to know that latex condoms are biodegradable. While latex condoms are also biodegradable, some contain other materials other than latex. Mother earth will love you for using lambskin condoms.

Not recommended  for prevention against STI’s… ouch!

In as much they are used to prevent pregnancies, they may not necessarily protect against the spread of viruses. The pores in these condoms are small enough to block sperm but big enough to allow viruses to pass through. According to some studies, these pores can be up to 1500 nanometers in diameter which is 10 times that of HIV and about 25 times of Hepatitis Virus (HBV). That said, these condoms should only be used with monogamous partners  or with people whose (sexually transmitted infection) STI status you know.

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