
You can now buy condoms from your phone

  • PublishedNovember 23, 2018

Most if not all of us are embarrassed at the mere mention of the word condom let alone the thought of purchasing it. With the new Fikisha app you can now avoid weird stares at the supermarket or pharmacy by making a purchase via your phone.

The Fikisha app which is an improvement from Dial-a-Condom was developed by the Ad Visions with the aim of reducing the spread of HIV. The app targets mostly the youth who are more sexually active and therefore at a high risk of contracting HIV and other STIs. The app also sells lubricants and other sexual wellness products.

“After downloading the app, you register using your name or nickname and a phone number where you can be contacted. You then log in and go to product where you select the brand and type of condom that you want delivered,” explained Muruthi the programme manager.

The delivery is made by a sales agent or a driver within an hour in a discreet envelope to maintain the privacy.

The developers hope that the app will help to reduce the stigma faced when buying condoms and are planning to include other products such as reproductive health information, pregnancy kits and HIV self-testing kits.

The app has received great support from the Kenya HIV private Business Council, NACC and other partners.

“This app will also create employment for the youth who can be sales agents or drivers. We will need to accredit them first before they are activated and then given proper orientation as drivers,” said Muruthi.


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