7 reasons why you need friends

We live in a world that has normalised isolation and solitude in the name of ‘living one’s life.’ However, psychology has shown that there are plenty of benefits one can get from friendships. Some of these benefits include the development of individual identity and confidence boost by giving one a sense of belonging. Read on to find the many other reasons why you need friends.
For connections
The first social media account you had, your friends became the first connections you made. Similarly, it is through your friends that you get to make other solid connections in life, whether social or professional, that foster your growth and development.
Photo by Womanizer Toys / Unsplash
For test drives
Your friends are usually the best people with whom to share your half-baked ideas or new inventions because they will most likely give helpful and rational feedback as opposed to hateful criticism.
In most cases, your friends are also your first clients and the only people to give you reviews for free. It is from their sentiments that you can forge a better way forward for your ideas.
For a shoulder to lean on
Friends offer support and comfort when things are not working. It is possible to get financial assistance from friends when you find yourself in a financial+ fix. In moments of emotional turmoil, friends will also offer the necessary support.
For defence
In moments of weakness, you want your friends around as they will stand with you regardless of what everyone else is saying. Even better is the fact that genuine friends do not hit you when you are down. Friends are equally good at covering our weaknesses. Instead of exposing them, they make a point of exerting you so you do not dwell on what could slow your progress.
Photo by Jaime Spaniol / Unsplash
To share the good times
Friends are not meant for just the bad days. They also are the best people with whom to share happy times. Having people with whom you can share an inside joke that only they understand and enjoy is one of the highlights of life.
Photo by Thought Catalog / Unsplash
For mentorship and inspiration
The best teachers in this world are friends especially because they understand and sometimes share in your struggles, unlike parents who may still be viewing life from the lens of a different generation. The best part of having friends is they make the best cheerleaders and are willing to even take tests with you when you get a little scared.
In a nutshell…
There is an adage that says that no man is an island. Human beings were created to connect with others. Therefore, do not let anything isolate you from meaningful relationships that could otherwise make life easier and bearable.