
9 Bedroom resolutions for the new year

9 Bedroom resolutions for the new year
  • PublishedFebruary 24, 2023

For many people, the new year offers a chance for a fresh start often captured in new year resolutions. As you make your resolutions this year, don’t forget to incorporate some for your sex life. This article has a few ideas to put you on a path to pretty earth-shattering results when it comes to matters of sex this year…


1.) Initiating

Initiating sex is an important part of you and your partner’s sex life. It shouldn’t always fall on one partner to initiate sex as both of you would love to feel wanted and desired. You can take turns making the first move as long as it doesn’t feel like a duty that must be fulfilled. There are different ways of making the first move which include verbal and non-verbal cues like writing suggestive notes and leaving them where your partner can see them.. Explore what works for both of you and have lots of fun while at it.

2.) Sensual massage

A sensual massage is a type of massage that focuses on the erogenous zones of the body to create a sexual response The benefits of a sensual massage range from getting you and your partner in the zone, to improving sexual performance, stress relief, elimination of energetic and sexual blockages, and unlocking your full orgasmic potential.

3.) Complement each other

If your partner rocks your world, be sure they know. Tell them what they do best and why you love your time between the sheets with them. Having sex makes you seriously vulnerable, so assurance from both parties to each other makes them more confident and able to let loose during sex.

4.) Speak-up

Much as your partner may know better than anyone else, they can’t make your fantasies come true if they don’t know what they are. While talking about your sexual needs or concerns may feel uncomfortable, it’s the only way you can have a satisfying moment. Therefore, embrace open communication and normalize telling your partner what you like or don’t like. The more people communicate in bed, the better the sex is

5.) Break out of your routine

Every couple has their methods for getting in the mood, but most of the time the same old thing can get boring. Small changes can increase the passion in your sexual relationship especially if you have been together for a while. You can take the action to a different room other than the bedroom, take a bath together or spend more time in foreplay.

6.) Get rid of distractions

Sex is as much a mental affair as it is physical. Any small distraction can very quickly destroy your mood. Therefore. remove anything that can create distractions including your cell phones. A good atmosphere will allow you to give each other full attention and be vulnerable with each other.

7.) Role playing

If you have never tried role-playing then you should adopt it this year. Role- playing allows you to inject some spice in the bedroom, especially if your sex life is beginning to get a little boring. It also helps partners become more sexually confident. Remember to communicate and be on the same page before trying any role-playing. The internet has a million ideas for role play. Get browsing and find one that appeals to both of you.

8.) Selflove

Letting go of your body hang-ups can sometimes be as simple as finding a bedroom partner who adores everything with which you present them, but it’s got to start with you. Hang around naked. Try on tight clothes. You’re a lovely being. so shut up with the self-deprecating. Believing positive things about yourself is key to being comfortable in your skin. Confidence plays a big part in feeling good during sex.

9.) Get tested

Sexual health is important, and you could be a carrier of something without displaying symptoms even if you’ve been in a relationship for a long period, or have been comfortably monogamous for a while. If it’s been less than six months since your last check-up, you’re probably fine. If not, get it done as this will take the weight off your mind.

Sex resolutions are just like regular resolutions. You make them after reflecting on the past and deciding how you want things to be different in the future. There’s no such thing as a “bad” sex resolution, as long as it works toward making sex more comfortable, pleasurable, and exciting.




Written By
Diana Rachel