
Brave child pens own obituary before dying of cancer

  • PublishedJuly 16, 2018

A five year old, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in June has warmed the hearts of many with a teary and funny obituary.

Garrett Mathias who lived in Ohio died on July 6th of rare cancer. The rare cancer affected his temporal bone, cranial nerve and inner ear.

The first lines of Matthias obituary were:

‘My name is: Garrett Michael Boofias (a surname he conned because his real name Matthias was too hard for him to pronounce)

My birthday is: I am 5 years old
My address is: I am a Bulldog!
My favourite colour is: Blue and Red and Black and Green … ”

Garrett’s parents Emilie and Ryan Matthias helped him compile the obituary. This is after the doctors informed them that his cancer was terminal.

The distinctive obituary has information on his favorite superheroes who were Thor, Iron Man, Batman, Cyborg and Hulk.

“See ya later, suckas! – The Great Garrett Underpants.” The obituary is signs off.

“We really tried to use his words, and the way that he talked,” Emilie Matthias said. “Garrett was a very unique individual.”

“Garrett endured nine months of hell before he lost his battle with cancer,” the family added. Garrett did not lose his sense of humour despite the pain of chemo. He insisted he doesn’t want a sad funeral but wants five bouncy houses, Batman and some snow cones on his funeral.

He used his comical style to describe how he wanted his body handled.

“When I die: I am going to be a gorilla and throw poo at Daddy!” he said. He also wanted his body cremated and the ashes “made into a tree so I can live in it when I’m a gorilla”.

Garrett, whose doctors said was forever a prankster hates “dirty stupid cancer”, needles and pants.

Talking about what he loves most, he says he loved playing with his beloved sister Delphina who is six. His “favourite people” include his mum, dad, sister, grandparents, cousins, auntie and uncles.

A private burial of Garrett’s ashes will be held later as the parents are still figuring out how to get his ashes made into a tree. They will also identify a nature reserve for the tree to reside in a protected area.

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