
Britney Spears' father files request to formally end 13-year conservatorship

Britney Spears' father files request to formally end 13-year conservatorship
  • PublishedSeptember 8, 2021

Pop icon Britney Spears may soon be free to manage her life after her father, James Spears filed a formal request in a Los Angeles court to end his 13-year conservatorship over his daughter’s finances.

For the last two years, the pop singer has been unsuccessfully trying to end the conservatorship. In her latest attempt in July 2020, Britney told the court that she wished to file charges against her 69-year-old father for what she termed as conservator abuse even though her father’s attorneys have insisted that all he wants is the best for his daughter.

The two have heard a rocky relationship in the past, with the pop icon often terming her relationship with her father as abusive and refusing to perform under his management. She has also severally accused her father of cruelty and claimed that he threatened to keep her from  her children if she went against his demands.

James Spears| Nick Ut/Associated Press

The singer’s father was granted conservatorship in 2008 after concerns were raised over the “Baby one more time” hit maker’s mental health.

Under U.S law, a conservatorship is an appointment of a guardian or protector to manage the finances and personal affairs of an individual when the person is deemed unable to run their life due to old age or mental limitations. The appointment is done by a judge.

In 2019, James Spears stepped down from his capacity as his daughter’s personal conservator but maintained his position managing the singer’s business arrangements.

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