
Doctor mistakenly performs abortion on wrong woman

  • PublishedSeptember 25, 2019

An expectant woman in a treatment centre in South Korea was going for her regular appointments and check-ups but woke up the next day to the realization that she was no longer with child. She had been mistaken for another woman who had been scheduled for an abortion that day. 


The authorities say the aforementioned patient was six weeks into her pregnancy and was there for her routine nutritional shot at the clinic.

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Failure to check her identity and a confusion over her medical charts led to the abortion,recounts CNN .



Both the doctor and the nurse in charge have conceded their mistake and now have to deal with a charge of negligence that led to bodily harm, a Gangseo Police official told media.

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The nurse is a claimed to have injected the Vietnamese National pregnant woman with anesthesia without confirming  her identity then the doctor proceeded to perform the termination without checking her hospital details.

Police supposedly announced the investigation on Monday and will be referring the case to the prosecutor’s office.

The Daily Caller



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