
Fire razes down Kimulot Boys dormitory

Fire razes down Kimulot Boys dormitory
  • PublishedJanuary 25, 2021

A Monday morning fire has burnt down a dormitory at Kimulot Boys High School in Bomet County.

A senior teacher told Nation that the dormitory was housing 288 students out of the 1200 learners in the whole school.

Property of unknown value was destroyed at 5 am but the cause of the fire was not immediately determined.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers raise fire hazard concerns
Acohol- based sanitizers have been classified by The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) as Class 1 highly flammable liquid substance, making them a fire hazard.

“The fire has been contained from spreading to other structures in the school through an effort by members of the public, students and fire marshals from the county government of Bomet,” the county disaster management officer Stanley Mutai said.

Some of the items that got burnt include blankets, mattresses, bedsheets, books and other items belonging to students.

This comes in the backdrop of another dormitory fire last week at Cheborgei Secondary School in Kericho County. Property worth millions got destroyed.

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According to the school principal, Francis Mutemwa most of the students are boys who chose to venture into income generation activities while others whereabouts are unknown

A few days before the Kericho fire, there was another fire at Olomirani Secondary School in Narok County.

Last week, Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha banned portable hand sanitisers in schools. This is because they had been used to start fires in some of the schools.

He asked teachers to confiscate all hand sanitisers from students. Teachers are the only ones allowed to have five litres of hand sanitisers.

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