Cover Story Relationships

Foundation of a successful relationship

Foundation of a successful relationship
  • PublishedAugust 21, 2024

When choosing a life partner, the question of whether to pick love or someone you’re compatible with is often overshadowed by the overwhelming feelings of affection.

Most people follow their hearts, led by deep feelings of love. However, finding a life partner involves more than just love; it requires compatibility in various aspects.

Can one exist without the other?

The genesis

In the beginning, it’s all about love—the spark that ignites the relationship. This is often referred to as the ‘honeymoon stage,’ where you overlook your partner’s flaws due to the excitement of being with someone new who at this stage seems to do everything right.

While this chemistry is essential, maintaining a relationship requires more than just physical attraction. You need to find someone whose quirks complement yours, whose life goals and values resonate with yours.

Then life strikes…

As the relationship matures, couples inevitably face life’s challenges. Here, compatibility plays a role in avoiding conflict when dealing with major issues. 

Shared values provide a sturdy foundation for any relationship, whether it’s family, career or personal growth. Discussing these earlier can save heartaches and set the stage for understanding.

Are you on the same page?

Ever felt like you’re speaking different languages in a relationship? 

This not only applies to love languages but also ensuring that a couple is working towards the same goals and evade misunderstandings in daily life.

For instance, if your partner has to work late due to job demands, understanding and supporting each other in such situations is crucial.

Being in a successful relationship doesn’t mean there will be no conflict but how you handle it can make or break the relationship. Compatible partners navigate conflict with respect and empathy. 

Are you able to disagree without resorting to hurtful words? Can you find compromises that satisfy both parties? Communication and a willingness to see things from your partner’s perspective are important. 

The glue that binds

A tip for compatibility is finding shared interests that keep you connected. These commonalities, like hobbies, create a sense of unity and shared purpose and help hold you together during tough times.

Ultimately, love cannot stand without compatibility. A successful relationship is about balancing love and compatibility and choosing someone who harmonizes your differences and makes the relationship easy.

Written By
Wangari Njoroge

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