Parenting Technology

How CBC curriculum supposedly benefits children

How CBC curriculum supposedly benefits children
  • PublishedJune 27, 2022

The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is Kenya’s new education system, which replaced the 8-4-4 system.

It was created by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and implementation by the Ministry of Education started in 2017.

CBC emphasizes the relevance of a learner’s ability to develop skills, knowledge, and how to apply these competencies to address daily life difficulties.

The Competency-Based Curriculum uses a 2–6–6-3 system, with classes referred to as Grades, and has divisions such as:

Early Years Education

This includes two years of pre-primary education and three years of lower primary school education.

Middle School Education

This includes three years of upper primary school and three years of lower secondary education.

Senior School

Senior School is three years of education aimed at learners aged 15 to 17 years old, and it lays the foundation for higher education and training at the tertiary level, as well as the world of work.

The Curriculum offers numerous benefits not just to students but also to their parents and teachers. Children are getting quality education which prepares them for the future as they gain important skills that will shape their lives. Here are some of the benefits that this education system provides to children:


Nakuru school teaching children to embrace their Africanness

It is not often that you come across a school that defies the norm. However, a school in Nakuru County has taken a different approach for its learners to connect with their roots.

Increased Opportunities for children

The Competency-Based Curriculum offers children a variety of learning possibilities which assist them identify their talents and potential opportunities they can explore based on their skills. By providing students with equitable educational opportunities, the system has promoted students’ positive attitude towards education, which has led to reduction in school dropouts.

Improve communication skills

This new curriculum emphasizes the importance of life skills education for children. Children learn interpersonal and psycho-social skills, which will assist them in effectively communicating and building healthy relationships with people they socialize with.

Discovering of talents/careers

The fundamental focus of CBC is students discovering their full potential. It establishes a platform on which students can positively relate to learning knowledge and skills in order to connect with numerous disciplines as they progress. Children can be able to identify their talents, skills and career paths at an early age and work towards perfecting their mastery. Achievement of success
The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) determines excellence by pre-eminence and interest areas rather than passing of internal and external examinations. This encourages children to do their best and achieve success as they don’t have a lot of pressure.

Digital literacy

This curriculum equips children with knowledge in ICT, which exposes them to learning how to effectively and safely use digital devices such smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

Children can now learn through online platform as they know how to use them.

ALSO READ:5 easy ways to nurture your child’s writing skill

Imagination and creativity

This education system encourages creativity as children are given practical projects to carry out, which helps them think creativity on ways to perform the task. This helps them tap into their creativity and come up with ideas or things that can add value to their lives and their community.

The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) has led to improvement of education in Kenya, as children are equipped with skills that they need for future.


Written By
Diana Rachel