
How to break porn addiction

  • PublishedAugust 9, 2019

While in the past the material containing adult content were pretty hard to come by, the internet has opened the world every kind of content one can imagine. For this reason, both old and young people have found themselves in the firm clutches of porn addiction. While health professionals have their doubts on whether porn addiction classifies as a real addiction, the negative effects it can have an a person and their relationships are undebatable. Here are a few tips on how to break porn addiction.

Accept the problem

First, admit that you have a problem. If you don’t, then there is no way you are going to seek help. Remember, accepting that a problem exists is the first step of resolving it.

Find alternative uses on internet

Because you cannot absolutely keep away from your devices, open yourself up to the many positive but equally engaging things you can do on the Internet. Learn a new language for instance, watch vlogs of people you love, listen to podcasts of people who have broken porn addiction and pick up practical tips.

Reward yourself

Try spending a day without watching porn. If you succeed, reward yourself with something you have always wanted that you can afford at that time. After a day, try three days, a week and make the gifts much greater, but more far between until you can go whole month or more. Meanwhile, find something else to do occupy you.

Try spending less time alone

Porn is a lone activity – most people only do it when they are sure they are alone. To alleviate the problem, you need not to spend time alone excessively. More so, find something to occupy yourself with in those moments that you are alone. Spend time with other people as you will be prompted to do other activities.

Engage in meaningful activities

Spend time doing gainful and effective things like exercising, volunteer work, gardening and also talking walks, this will help you fill the void that might be felt when you want to withdraw from porn addiction. Take up a hobby or a class you have wanted to do in a long time – like kizomba, violin, salsa and let it occupy you.

ALSO READ: How to overcome sex addiction

Spend more time with your online and offline support group

A support group could be your loved ones, family, and friends, or even members with the same issues as you. Spending time with them will keep your mind and thoughts focused in the right places. When you spend time with them, you can trust them with your problem and share your stories and encourage one another.

Seek therapy

Most addictions have an underlying emotional issue that a therapist can help you get under. Also, professionals will give your problem a more tactical and medical approach that is more likely to help you.

Educate yourself

If you are going through this addiction, you need to get your hands on as many resources as you can. Find yourself sources where you can learn how to overcome that addiction on websites. More so, look into various techniques and methods that people have employed in the past that were successful.

There is no single solution to the problem.  Try all this and look for the one that will work best for you.

In case you missed it: How to overcome sex addiction

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