How to date a man with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Being in a relationship when you or your partner suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can lead to frustrations, resentment or hurt feelings for the both of you. OCD is an anxiety disorder where those afflicted are plagued by obsessive and repetitive thoughts such as impending doom, unfounded fears and worrying thoughts.
The condition does not discriminate between men, women and races but also affects children and teenagers. Although any intimate relationship has its ups and downs, dating someone with OCD can present some additional challenges as well as opportunities for growth. However, it is important to recall that an illness is what someone has and not who they are.
Dating a man who may be suffering from OCD comes with certain unique challenges. Here’s how you can deal with the situation;
Do not make your partner feel weird
It is not uncommon for people with OCD to hide their severity of symptoms from people they are engaged to romantically for fear of embarrassment and rejection. If you are signing up for a long term relationship, accepting your partner’s condition will help you gain his trust.
Make him comprehend that you are not ashamed of him. Never force him to open up but instead, offer empathy and understanding.
Educate yourself
Make efforts to research and learn about it. You will be equipped to deal with the traits that may, initially, seem strange and help you know how to deal with him or react better.
Respect his privacy
While your partner might be comfortable discussing the nature of his condition with you, they might not be comfortable discussing this issue with other people. Do not discreetly or casually mention his condition in public unless your partner has told you that he is okay with it.
Know more about the treatment
Being there for him and doing it together will help him cope better. Gain his trust and get involved in his treatment. Visit the doctor together and help him stick to his medication and therapy.
Be open about your needs
OCD can be managed by medication and therapy but can never be cured. Be ready to deal with it if you are in it for the long haul. Therefore, be honest with your partner about obsessions that bother you. Being open creates a leeway to deal with it together.
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