
How to deal with boredom in marriage

How to deal with boredom in marriage
  • PublishedMarch 9, 2021

According to studies, women are more likely to get bored in marriages compared to men. Men on the other hand are more likely to get bored with their partner, outside marriage.

During the first days of marriage, there is excitement, everything feels new, romantic dates are regular and generally the newly-weds cannot get their hands off each other.

With time, the relationship may become dull; butterflies earlier felt in the stomach vanish. Conversations are not as regular and fun as they used to, the romance is also not as intense as before and enthusiasm for activities that brought fun in the marriage begin to fade.

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Going through the above doesn’t mean that the marriage is doomed. It only means that more effort; time and energy needs to be invested in the marriage. Get your marriage back on track by:

‘Speaking’ your partner’s love language

According to relationship expert, Dr. Patrick Wanis, “The best way to treat someone isn’t to treat them the way that you want to be treated, it’s to treat someone the way that they want and need to be treated.” When both of you understand how you each receive love, interactions with your partner will be more engaging and fun.

2. Avoiding thoughts about outgrowing each other

Assuming that boredom is inevitable in marriage after a long time, brings negativity into the relationship. Having a mindset that love can endure till the end of time will bring positivity between you and your partner.

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If your man cannot find time for you now when he still needs to woo you into marrying him, what makes you think that when he has already won you into being his wife he will find the time?

3. Bringing back the good old days

You haven’t forgotten those activities that you both enjoyed when you began dating, right? The long and exciting conversations, the romantic dates, movie nights… Revisit those activities. The strong feelings from such memories will definitely be aroused.


4.  Being spontaneous in romance

Have the tendency to initiate new exciting ideas, geared towards showing love to your partner. Especially in your sex life, engage each other on ideas both of you will be open to, and re-energize to keep the romance going.

5. Maintaining happy vibes

Daily grind takes a toll on everyone. Taking time and responsibility to lighten up moments with sense of humour and laughter, being silly around each other and joking together is important.

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A study by the University of North Carolina found that, “People who spent more time laughing with their partner felt that they were more similar to their partner … the more people laughed with their romantic partner, the more they felt they were supported by that person.”

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