
Kenyans to get new phone numbers starting with the prefix 01XX

  • PublishedMay 2, 2019

New mobile subscribers will soon have access to a new mobile number starting with the digits 01XX after service providers exhausted the 07XX prefix.

The Communications Authority (CA) announced that the 100 million lines under the 07XX prefix were exhausted due to multiple registration of SIM cards for cell phones as well as new Internet-enabled devices introduced in the market.

CA Director General Francis Wangusi said Safaricom and Airtel have received a combined 5 million new numbers under the new prefix. Safaricom has 2 million (0110, 0111) while Airtel has 3 million (0100, 0101, 0102).

“In view of the emergence of new technologies and numbering requirements resources, it has become necessary to introduce the new 01 prefix also with a capacity of 100 million. The numbers are local and everyone should be aware and not panic whenever they receive calls under the new prefix,” said Wangusi.

He added that the regulator seeks to link the Huduma Namba to subscribers’ details as it will be a cheaper alternative to register subscribers other than carrying out fresh biometric registration.

Introduction of the new mobile number prefix has no cost implications on the consumer.

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