
Making the best of that small room

Making the best of that small room
  • PublishedMarch 4, 2021

As years go by, it’s the norm to move out of your parents’ house and start life on your own. Many people will therefore go for a single room or a bedsitter.

Organizing a small space may turn out to be a daunting task. But do you know that you can give that room you consider small an elegant look that’s appealing to your eyes?

Here are tips on how to organize and pimp your small room.

1. Keep the room clean and tidy

A room with scattered items will appear smaller in comparison to a well-arranged room. Always make time out of your busy schedule to clean up your room. Ensure you make your bed and keep things in order for example folding clothes.

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2. Be cautious on the type of furniture your purchase

For starters, don’t go for very big furniture that will clutter the room. Before walking into that furniture shop do some room measurements using a tape measure to know the size of your room.

It is also advisable to go for multipurpose furniture for example tables fitted with drawers. This will prevent you from cluttering the room and also leave some room for movement. If you have extra furniture, it’s best you sell it. To make your room appear bigger, buy high-legged furniture.

3. Secure room dividers

Gone are the days that people used curtains as room dividers. Room dividers not only serve to help you partition your room but also brings out that decorative touch to your space. Creating walls may be the best option but if your space is small, room dividers such as foldable screens can do the trick.

4. Be simple

There is no magic towards making the best of your small space. Normally its best if you place your bed leaning on the wall than in the middle of the room. Leave a small space in between the side of the bed and the wall. This will give you that ample space to make your bed.

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5. Stick to one color theme

One colour theme for your room doesn’t mean that everything in that room should have that one colour. It’s always advisable not to mix up colours in your room. You are not limited to white or neutral pallets for your walls. If you settle on two colours say blue and white, be careful not to mix with other colours. Choosing a colour that is appealing to the eyes at a glance will prevent everyone from noticing how small your room is.

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6. Accessorize your room

Make your room a little heaven you can long to go back to in the evening. Create a good ambience by buying colour-changing bulbs for your room to setup the mood for your space. LED bulbs with different colours will help create that great mood in your room. You can also hang some art works on your walls to further pimp your room.

Avoid buying a lot of home appliances because this will further reduce the size of your room.

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7. Allow natural light to penetrate

The presence of natural light makes a room appear larger. To give the impression that your room is big, put transparent curtains to allow natural light to come in.

Featured image: Unsplash

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