
MCK intervenes, demands apology from Babu Owino over threats to news editor

MCK intervenes, demands apology from Babu Owino over threats to news editor
  • PublishedSeptember 9, 2021

The media council of kenya has demanded an apology from Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu owino following threats he issued to Muraya Kariuki, a news editor at Citizen TV. In a statement on Tuesday, the Council termed the threats as intimidation and a major infringement on press freedom.

The council said that the MP ought to respect the constitution which he vowed to obey when he was elected to represent Kenyans in parliament and should respect the freedom of the press.

“As a protector of the media freedom in Kenya the Media Council of Kenya demands that the Member of Parliament withdraws the threats and issues an appropriate apology to the journalist and the media fraternity,” the statement read.

The council further advised Owino to file any media grievances he may have with the Media Complaints Commission that is mandated to handle such matters under the Media Council Act of 2013.

“The MCK condemns any actions by politicians to threaten journalists as they undertake their rightful duties. We urge politicians and leaders to uphold decorum in engaging with the media, to promote positive dialogue as we get into the electioneering period,” the council added.

The legislator had accused the Citizen TV news editor of being biased, saying that he always portrays Raila Odinga in a bad way compared to other political opponents.

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