
President Kenyatta’s COVID-19 reviewed guidelines and restrictions

President Kenyatta’s COVID-19 reviewed guidelines and restrictions
  • PublishedNovember 4, 2020

Nation-wide curfew has been extended up to 3rd January 2021Curfew shall be enforced from 10pm-4amPupils and Students in basic learning classes shall not resume in-person learning until January 2020. Examination classes (Grade 4, class and Form 4) shall continue in-person learning but health measures shall be heightened.Political rallies and gatherings have henceforth been banned for 60 days. Any such gatherings if, if there be need, shall only be held in town halls with COVID protocols being observed. The town hall shall have only a third of its sitting capacity occupied and all attendees must sanitize and wear masks.State and Public officers above 50yrs of age or that are immune-compromised must only work remotely unless they are serving in critical sectors.No mask = No service. Government establishments shall not offer services to people that do not adhere to COVID-19 prevention measures. Private establishments are advised to enforce the same.Bars, restaurants and other establishments open to the public must close by 9pm.Alcohol selling establishments must adhere to the Ministry of Health’s guidelines or else they will be shut down immediately.

This could be the second wave of Covid-19 in Kenya
Kenya could be experiencing a second wave of Covid-19 as hospitals are full and getting a bed at the Intensive Care Unit has become a nightmare.

9. Religious gatherings continue with previous guidelines- only a third of their sitting capacity shall be occupied.

10. Localized lockdowns shall be issued on specific counties only if they record an upsurge in COVID-19 cases.

11. Isolation facilities must be maintained in a state of preparedness. County governments must also continue capacity building and implementation of prevention control measures for healthcare workers, including provision of PPIs and Portable Oxygen.

12. A special enforcement unit comprising of the County Government Inspectorate Units and the National Police Service is to be constituted for purposes of enforcing Covid Protocols.

13. MPs to invest in Covid prevention in schools– add, hand-washing points, plan to provide face-masks and enhance general sanitization in schools in readiness for resumption of learning for all learners in January.

14. CSs, CASs and PSs should gear towards they and officers discharging their mandate virtually where possible

Featured Image: StateHouse Kenya on Twitter

Read a copy of the November issue of Parents Magazine here.

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