
Starehe MP Jaguar proposes bill to reduce retirement age to 50

  • PublishedSeptember 12, 2019

Starehe MP Charles Njagua popularly known as Jaguar has proposed that public servants retire at 50 years instead of 60.

Starehe MP Charles Njagua popularly known as Jaguar has proposed that public servants retire at 50 years instead of 60.

He introduced the motion in parliament, a move which could affect thousands of workers if passed.

Njagua says this is one of the ways to minimize the high unemployment rate in the country. About 75% of the country’s population is below the age of 35 and majority of them are unemployed despite acquiring formal education.

In the motion, the Member of Parliament says the unemployment rate among the youth stands at 55%.That over 800,000 graduates enter the job market annually but only 70,000 are absorbed into formal employment.

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According to the Public Service Commission in 2016, 31% of the workers were above 50 years.If the bill was passed now, the number of those affected could be slightly higher considering some of them have attained the age by now.

Hon. Njagua’s motion has elicited mixed responses from Kenyans, some supporting it and others opposing it.

”God heard my prayers. There is no need of a parent working up to 60 years and have four graduates jobless children. Whoever who recommended the 60 years retirement age was cursed. I fully support honourable Jaguar’s motion. I’m ready to retire at 50 years of age”, Miregwa Thomas said.

According to Patrick Safari, the move is good but should be applicable to all jobs.”The statement by jaguar to reduce retirement age so as to create jobs for the youth is good. However, it should be cross cutting to all jobs.. No one should contest for any seat when he/she is over than 50 years. No one should be appointed when he/she is over than 50 years”, he said on twitter.

Jaguar’s proposal highly favours the youth and could be a huge step in taming unemployment among the young people if passed.





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