
Taxpayers to finance new MPs salary increase

Taxpayers to finance new MPs salary increase
  • PublishedDecember 16, 2021

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), is planning to execute a proposal that will see the salaries of elected leaders, including MPs increased by 14 per cent, with the document out on Tuesday for public participation.

After stating that it will not increase salaries from civil servants until 2023, SRC will not only increase the salaries of elected leaders but also that of the speakers, their deputies, minority and majority leaders, adding weight to the already heavy burden of Kenyan taxpayers.

The commission proposed to raise MPs and Senators salaries from  Ksh. 621,250 to Ksh.710,000. Additionally, SRC is set to increase the sitting allowance from Ksh.8,000 to Ksh. 15,000 .

County officials were not left behind as County Executive Committee members will have their salaries increased from Ksh.259,875 to Ksh.306,250 while speakers for county assemblies will earn Sh404,250 from Ksh.259,875.

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