
2 easy Kenyan recipes to try fro lunch

2 easy Kenyan recipes to try fro lunch
  • PublishedDecember 15, 2021

Mokimo/Mashed potatoes and greens


9 potatoes3 garlic clovessalt and pepper to taste2-3 cups chopped spinach, swiss chard or pumpkin leaves1 cup corn or peas


Peel your potatoes and cut them into cubesPut the cubes in a pot and add water. Make sure the water is not too much or too little.Over medium heat bring the cubed potatoes to  a boil.Add the garlic and greens. You can opt to cook these separately, blend then add to the potatoes later.In a separate pot boil the peas until tender.Once the potatoes are done drain the excess water. You can check if the potatoes are ready using a fork or knife.If you boiled your greens together with the potatoes, add the peas and proceed to mash until everything is mixed up and there are no lumps.If you boiled your greens separately add them and mix in the peas, then mash.Add salt and pepper to tasteServe with your veggies of choice

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Mixed matoke and beef

Wikimedia commons

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Ingredients 4 servings

A bunch of bananasSeveral stalks of dhaniaa pinch of salt1 large onion2 small carrotscooking oil500 g beef, chopped 3 tomatoes


Chop your onions, carrots, tomatoes and dhaniaPeel your bananas. You can use paper gloves or you can smear oil on your hands to prevent matoke sap from sticking on your hands.Add in the beef, increase the heat and let it cook till brown.Add in the beef, increase the heat and let it cook till brown.Add the chopped carrots and tomatoes and cook for a few minutes.Add the bananas to beef and stir and then add beef broth for stockAdd salt, dhania and curry powder then cover and let the mixture simmer for  a few minutes until the bananas are soft. Remove from heat and serve. You can add your favorite greens on the side.

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Featured Images by willflyforfood.net

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