
2 Buruburu Girls High school students to be arraigned in court over school fire

2 Buruburu Girls High school students to be arraigned in court over school fire
  • PublishedNovember 8, 2021

Two students from Buruburu Girls High school were yesterday arraigned in court yesterday over the fire that took place on 31st October 31, leaving ten students hospitalised.

The two are accused of starting a fire in a cubicle in one of the dormitories before escaping. At least 59 students were injured and hospitalized in the incident which is one in a spate of school fires within the last month.

Responding to the rising cases of school fires, education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has strongly warned students against involvement in school arson attacks. He further stated that any one found guilty will be barred from joining public schools.

“That information is going to be on your record for the rest of your life and the law does not allow you even if you’re ten years to buy petrol and burn public property ” says Magoha, “It looks mundane and juvenile to burn a building. It is stupid, it’s primitive and must stop. We are not closing any schools.”

Magoha was responding to the growing number of school fires that have risen to over 35.

Government will not bear the cost of rebuilding schools, says Magoha
There has been a wave of student unrest in several schools in the country where learners have gone on strike for different reasons.

The current wave of student unrest in Kenyan secondary schools has attracted mixed reactions from parents with some calling on the government to bring back corporal punishment to keep students in line.

Are you ready for this? The November Issue is going to be melodious! Coming soon…#parentsmagazine

Feature Image: The Star

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