
4 ways to win him over and over

4 ways to win him over and over
  • PublishedFebruary 1, 2022

The term ‘I love you’ is only three words but pretty powerful for one to articulate and hear. However, as you have probably heard, love is actions and not mere words.  These actions can make the difference between a mutually supportive and emotionally engaging relationship and one that you just let happen on its own. The more energy you put into loving, the more love you will get in return.

As Valentine’s Day approaches and everyone begins to get in the mood for romance, it is very clear that it is almost expected that majority of the attention will go to the ladies. However, as a lady you could flip the script and make sure your man feels cared for on Valentine’s Day and beyond.

You only need to sit back and think about the nice things he does for you to give you a clue on how to show your boyfriend you love him in return.

Brown scable tiles[source: Pexels]

Find out your partner’s love language and act on it.  Show your appreciation and love to your partner in the ways that mean the most to them. Want him to love you more? Here is how to win him over and over;

Make him feel included

Men love it when they are needed. Include them in your decisions, talk to them about your worries, let them be the ones to give you the solution that you seeking. Make sure to include them where you can.

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Care about his day

In the craziness of life, it’s so easy to get lost in our stuff. When he gets home ask him about his day and listen to his accomplishments and make sure to praise him. If his day was the opposite of that, make sure to affirm him that things will work for the better next time. With this, he will that you are there and that he is your everyday hero.

DON’T MISS: Valentine’s Day date ideas for all couples

Always remember details of something  important to him

This will indicate that you listen and pay attention to his talks; whether pep or serious. From time to time, surprise him and this will be added to the list of memories.

Slip your partner random notes

Such notes can be handmade. Leave them somewhere you are sure he will come across such as slipping one inside the book he is reading, a post-it on his laptop screen or attach on his windscreen.

Feature photo:Pexels

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READ ALSO: Everyday can be Valentine’s with these tips! Try them today.

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