Foods that can improve your sleep
Are you aware that getting adequate sleep is important for your body’s overall health? Well, this is true since getting enough sleep may help reduce your risk of developing certain chronic illnesses, keeping your brain healthy, and boosting your immune system.
Most health experts will often advice you to at least get between seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. But due to our busy schedules and the numerous challenges life poses, many people get only four to six hours of sleep.
Well there are many ways that you can use to promote good sleep, including making changes to your diet, as some foods and drinks have sleep-promoting properties.
If in the past it has been tough to get enough sleep then here are some foods you can take to help enhance and improve your sleep:
Fatty fish
Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel, are incredibly healthy. What makes them unique is their exceptional amounts of Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids. The combination of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in fatty fish has the potential to enhance sleep quality . Therefore, eating a few ounces of fatty fish before bed may help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.
White rice
It is consumed in many countries as a staple food. The major difference between white and brown rice is that the bran and germ in white rice has been removed. This makes it lower in fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. However this type of rice is still rich in vitamins and minerals. White rice may be beneficial to eat before bed due to its high glycemic index (GI). A high GI may promote better sleep. However, it’s best consumed in moderation due to its low amounts of fiber and nutrients.
Dairy products
Dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese, and plain yogurt are known as great sources of tryptophan. Milk has proven to improve sleep in older adults, especially when paired with light exercises. If you want to have some quality sleep take a glass of milk a day.
It is good to have a fruit or two after a meal. A banana is one of the easiest and most nutritious fruit to eat. Bananas not only contain some tryptophan, they’re rich in potassium too. This is an important element to human health and a natural muscle relaxant as well. When you are relaxed, then that will also result to better sleep.
Getting enough sleep is good for your body and health, but to reap the benefits of sleep-enhancing foods and drinks, its advisable to consume them two to three hours before bed. Eating just before going to sleep may cause digestive issues such as acid reflux.