
Media urged to embrace balanced reporting

Media urged to embrace balanced reporting
  • PublishedMay 11, 2022

Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has challenged media outlets in the country to work closely with religious bodies in Kenya to encourage diverse and balanced reporting.

Speaking during a media breakfast meeting earlier today,  Nyeri Archdiocese Archbishop Anthony Muheria called on the media to include voices of eminent and knowledgeable religious people in the various news articles and media talk shows to allow diverse conversations.

Catholic Archbishop Anthony Muheria. Photo by Tebby Otieno

According to the Archbishop, this will also help religious leaders remain the moral purpose of the country and its citizens which is part of the church’s goal.

“We must also position ourselves as the church to a position we be able to arbitrate. So, we must build on trust and goodwill. Arbitration is based on trust and goodwill” he said.

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Archbishop Muheria further called for synergy for the common good of the nation with the general elections just a few months away.

“We must do civic education that is appropriate and that people understand in simple language,” he said.

Speaking at the same event, Kenya Editor’s Guild (KEG) president Churchill Otieno urged the media outlets to remain truthful to their audiences by reporting factual information without being swayed by news-makers.

KEG president Churchill Otieno. Photo by Tebby Otieno

“We have a professional duty to ourselves and the people that we serve to fetch the facts and the truth and shall be accessible so that the people can then use those facts to make decisions that will improve their lives,” Churchill said.

The meeting come amid rising criticism leveled against the church, especially by the media, on the what has been seen as silence by the latter in the wake of increasing corruption cases. Moreover, in the recent past religious institutions have been accused of campaigning for some political factions raising mixed reactions among Kenyans.

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