
What to expect when moving in with your partner

What to expect when moving in with your partner
  • PublishedSeptember 27, 2021

In this day and age, the reality is that some couples decide to move in together before marriage, while others choose to move in after. Either way, they all have to get accustomed to a new way of life.

All couples are different and so are their relationships. Having an idea of what to expect before moving in together, can help a lot when it comes to facing this new life.

Everything comes to light

Once behind closed doors, your partner’s other side will show, especially once they start getting comfortable around you. This  can either add to the love, or be the beginning or the end.

At the end of the day, no one is perfect and nothing under the sun is new. So expect surprises. What matters is if you can live with it.

You’re not roommates

Since you share a space, the idea of privacy is reduced to almost 0%. You need to get used to lack of personal space.

Nevertheless, discuss privacy before moving in together and determine if you should have boundaries or not.


You will have different views

There’s no denying that relationships come with their challenges, and if you both have overcome challenges together to the point of wanting to move in together, you should be applauded.

However, do not forget that you might  find yourselves on opposite ends. Spending so much time together will spark all kinds of conversations that might, sometimes, test your bond.

Couples can be individuals too

After marriage, two become one, but that does not mean that the couple has to be next to each other 24/7. Sharing space does not mean being in each other’s face all the time. Couples should  know that a time will come when engaging in different things in separate rooms is okay.

How to express yourself to your partner when you don’t feel heard
Arguments will not always go your way. Adopting other approaches might help in convincing your partner to see things from your perspective.


They say opposites attract, whether that’s the case or not, there must be compromises that are made from both ends to make living together work.

This does not mean walking on eggshells when around each other. It just means communicating and putting yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Remember this is your place of peace, where you both come to relax, so be considerate of each other.

ALSO READ: Is your relationship ready for the next level? Here’s how to find out


Partnership in making a home

Turning a house into a home is something that should be done by both parties. This will make both parties feel more comfortable, and that the home belongs to them both, in a fun way.

From the colour of the walls to home revolutions, it’s best when you both come to an agreement, this way conflicts do not arise so easily when money needs to be spent as well.

How to get your spouse to change
To want change is natural; even better is when the change is spontaneous and not coerced.

In conclusion…

Having a place of your own together can be the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship, it reveals a lot about your partner that you did not know. It will either strengthen your bond or break it if you aren’t ready for such a serious relationship.

This September, Parents magazine brings you an exciting new issue!
We catch up with Ben Kitili and his wife, Amina Mude as they tell us about their love story and interreligious marriage; as you get to know how they are navigating the intersection of social media and the limelight in a candid account.

Featured Image: Diva Plavalaguna from Pexels

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