“Fair thee well our sons”: Parents’ tribute to the Hillside Endarasha fire victims

The memorial service of the 21 pupils who perished in the Hillside Endarasha Academy dormitory fire took place on Wednesday, September 26, 2024.
Beginning at 6:00 am, well-wishers, dignitaries, parents of the deceased and students started flooding Mwega Stadium in Nyeri County to honour the departed souls.
In the Parents’ tribute read by Pastor Lincoln, the primary wish expressed was for their sons to find eternal peace. The tribute further emphasised that they will forever hold onto their sons’ memories.
“Your memories will continue to uplift us as we continue this journey without you. Together, we shall honour your legacies and cherish every great moment we shared,” read Lincoln, adding, “Fare thee well our sons.”
The other pupils’ message to their friends, desk mates and playmates conveyed that the void left by their absence would be deeply felt, expressing that they would miss their schoolmates dearly
“Dear brothers, in deep mourning, sadness and grief, we find a little strength to put words to how we feel. We have crossed many rivers before, but this one is wild. Who would have thought that one day, death would come between our love and bond? We have come a long way. We have learnt, eaten, prayed and played together. It is sad that these moments are now but beautiful memories,” read the pupils’ tribute.
On behalf of the school, Teacher Benson delivered a heartfelt tribute that mentioned each student by name, highlighting their notable qualities. From influence, creativity, discipline to kindness, humility and ambition, the pupils portrayed values that any school would take pride in instilling.
“Our beloved sons, the journey with you was always full of life. Your names will always be remembered. Only God knows why you are gone so suddenly and unexpectedly. May eternal rest be granted upon you,” read Teacher Benson.
This incident which happened on September 5 has left many Kenyans in shock. The nation hopes that families and friends of the victims will find solace.